eBook: Elements of a Strong Remote Deposition Protocol

Remote depositions are an efficient means of obtaining discovery at a time when few are able or willing to travel or gather in groups. More importantly, the reality for litigators today is that it is very difficult to obtain a continuance until some future date when the public health crisis will abate sufficiently to allow in-person depositions to resume. The question now for litigators is whether remote depositions will be conducted well or poorly. 

A well-written deposition protocol will go a long way toward alleviating concerns and ensuring that a remote deposition will proceed with a minimum of glitches, misunderstanding, or objections. A remote deposition protocol puts all parties on the same page, and it creates a record that can be consulted in the event of future challenges to the deposition. 

Download our eBook to learn:

  • How to Address Leading Concerns
    • Validity of evidence obtained during a remote deposition
    • Technology or connectivity breakdowns
    • Deponent surreptitiously communicating with unknown individuals during the deposition
    • No one received coaching or assistance during the deposition
  • Obtaining the Remote Deposition Protocol